
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A BRIEF ABOUT ETHIOPIA AND EOTC (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church) =+=


Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries in the world to have survived as a sovereign state for thousand years. It is clearly written in the Holy Bible and world literatures.  Among the Black Nation history, Ethiopians were the only people to have never succumbed to slavery or colonial rule. Several colonial powers tried it 27 times to conquer, but failed each time.

The question is what makes Ethiopia to be special among other African countries? It is said in Holy Scripture that: - ‘’A nation tall and smooth-skinned a people feared and far, a nation mighty and conquering’’ /Isa.18:2/.  Ethiopia is one of the first countries to accept Christ and Christianity, as St. John Chrysostom has explained it in his Homily on the Acts of the Apostles.  According to history of Christianity, the only person who asked, ‘’ what is to prevent me from being baptized?’’ is an Ethiopian.  The Apostle Philip said, ‘’If you heartily believe it is permitted.’’ The Ethiopian replied ‘’I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God’’/Act.8:37-38/.

So Christianity was introduced to Ethiopia in 34 AD; which means 9 months after the Ascension of our Lord, Jesus Christ, by the Ethiopian Eunuch. By this time St. Peter and St. Mark had not yet made their Apostolic Journeys to Rome and Alexandria.   

Above all, Ethiopia is best known for being a country that worships the True God for thousand years. The word of God has affirmed this saying ‘’Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands to God’’ /Ps.68:31/. Again ‘’Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?’’ /Jer.13:23/. Before the year of 750 B.C it was said ‘’Are you not as children of Ethiopian unto me, O children of Israel?’’ /Amos.9:7/.

There for it was not only because of her natural heritages but also because of her spiritual heritages that the foreign powers were jealous of Ethiopia.  They tried to challenge her freedom, her Orthodox Tewahdo religion, and her national unity. But as Ethiopia is devoted to God, and that God Loves Ethiopia, it remained a revered and respected country.

Emperor Haile Selassie I said ‘’Ethiopia is a mystery in the hands of God.’’ That is why Ethiopia is termed as ‘’The Land of God’’ and the Ethiopians ‘’The People of God.’’

(To be continued on other Ethiopic Articles)!

Glory be to God Amen.

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